Ref# 015

About Me
My name is Kyleigh . I'm a 3-year-old girl.

My birthday is
June 30, 2021.

My Story


Kyleigh is such a dream! She loves to bop around, play with her best buddy Deacon, and stick right by her mama, Scarlett. Kyleigh wiggles herself right into the middle of the hay ring and has proven she is wicked smart. She knows if she gets into the middle of the ring, she gets the most food with the least interruptions! Kyleigh has the cutest little square over her eye- she's truly breathtaking.
Kyleigh was named by our wonderful supporter and produce friend who we are so grateful to have met early on. He named her after his friend who encouraged him to get into a vegan lifestyle and he hasn't turned back. Kyleigh not only loves her bud Deacon, but she can be found hanging with the other baby girls too!