About Me
My name is JD . I'm a 3-year-old boy.

My birthday is
June 15, 2021.

My Story


Meet JD! JD is named after a few things special to us. Our founder's dad's name is Joe, our farm predecessor was named Dave, and of course, our co-founders favorite TV show, Scrubs main character JD. Born to Rosie and baby #4, we were basically pros at handling farm births at this point. JD was instantly friendly and is always interested in some produce treats. He loves broccoli, cuddling with his mama, and hanging out with his bestie Bruce.
JD can always be found lurking around a corner, exploring new things with his mouth (if there's a string, he'll chew it!), and making sure all the other babies are safe and sound. JD LOVES to cuddle up in the middle of the hay ring, or push just enough hay out so that he can make a nice comfy bed. He's such a special boy to us, won't you be his sponsor?