Ref# 012

About Me
My name is Starchild . I'm a 3-year-old girl.

My birthday is
May 30, 2021.

My Story



Looking like she should be hailing down from the Knights in Satan's Service KISS, is our toughest little girl with the strongest personality. Starchild may not be our oldest calf, but she sure is the biggest! Baby to Matilda, the apple surely did not fall far from the tree. Starchild is THE boss, super sassy, and very protective over her adopted sister and BFF for life - Harvey. Star does not think twice about putting any of the other babies in their place and always looks out for little Huey. 

Starchild is shy around humans, but we know in time she'll warm up just like everyone else. Star is wicked smart! She's always the first to the hay ring and knows just the spot to hunker down and eat the best of the best hay. Star and Harvey are inseparable, and they can always be found together playing, cuddling, or even just grazing.